Colomb Plant In Charak Samhita |
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The Indianised name of this plant is ' Corumbi ' which later was metamorphosed to Columbi and in Bengal its popularly known as ' Kolmi '. The botanical name is Ipomoea reptans (Linn.). Family Convolvulaceae. During the rainy season the leaves produces a sticky substance that gives birth to pests and remains till the advent of autumn. According to ayurveda consumption of coloumbi is prohibited from the day of the return festival or ' Ulto Rath ' of Lord Jagannath till the last full moon in the month of November. This leafy vegetable has various qualities. But it is during the period stated above when all its good qualities are absent or lost and preferably not be consumed. This leafy vegetable helps reduce the acidity or rather keeps it at a reduced level. The Charak sutra tells us that any consumption of leafy vegetable disturbs the equillibrium within the body, however it would serve the purpose far better if it is first boiled in hot water and then consumed by removing it from the water in which it was boiled which destroys the bad effects. The Chemical composition of the plant is as follows:- Columbi or kolmi contains Hydrocarbons viz. Pentairiacotane triacontance, Sterol, Acids viz. melissic acid, butyric acid and myristic acid. Essdential oil - 0.048% and last of all various types of Resin - 7.27%. Colombi has various applications a few of which is given :- (1) The kolmi juice to a certain extant helps to control or reduce the over reactions from opium. (2) During uncontrolled discharge at night in early youthful vigour associated with headache, dyspepsia, burning sensation on hands and feet, excessive watery mouth or lack of concentration kolmi mixed with ' Withania somnifera Dunal ' or Aswagandha can be very useful. (3) It is a fact that there are infants who sleeps during the day time and prefers to remain awake at night which becomes truely painful for the mothers since she has to be careful to her child throughout and needs rest too. This could be for various reasons and one of them might be from constipation. In such instances a few drops of kolmi juice with milk might be helpful but the parents of the child should be extra careful about mentaining the best of hygene before applying and taking necessary medical advice. (4) The juice from this plant is also effective during chicken pox. Ayurveda states that one to two teaspoon full of the juice along with milk acts as a preventive measure to a certain extent. (5) Ipomoea Reptans also inhibits lactation for lactating mothers if they are facing any problem of insufficiency while feeding. A small part mixed with warm ghee (clarified butter) twice daily is helpful but it should be taken under advice. (6) When a small quantity of four to five teaspoon juice of this plant mixed with clarified butter is taken twice daily it helps to reduce the pain burning sensation and formation of pus in gonorroea to a certain extent. (7) A thin paste if applied when bitten by wasp or hornet or a honey bee considerably reduces the burning sensation.
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